Ep. 95: How Allergic Reactions Work - The Science Behind Allergy Symptoms
What happens during an allergic reaction? This podcast explains how IgE antibodies and histamine trigger symptoms, plus the difference between allergies and intolerances.
Ep. 44 What is Oral Immunotherapy
What is Oral Immunotherapy, OIT? We discuss what OIT is and how it is performed, plus the pros and cons of choosing this therapy for food allergies.
Ep. 19: The questions that arise after a food allergy diagnosis: Part 2 - Lifestyle changes
Dr. G and Kortney are joined by Stefanie Lowe to discuss grocery shopping, navigating labels, how to approach friends and family about your needs, how to find your comfort level and introduce new foods to your child.
Ep. 18: The questions that arise after a food allergy diagnosis: Part 1 - the medical questions
Part 1 of the questions that arise after a food allergy diagnosis covers all of the medical aspects from why does my child have so many food allergies to what is oral allergy syndrome?