Food Allergy Guide: Spotting Top Allergens and Their Hidden Names
Learn about the most common food allergens, their hidden names, and practical label-reading tips to stay safe—perfect for anyone with allergies or supporting someone who does.
To Keep An Allergen-Free House or Not To
Deciding to keep an allergen-free household is a really tricky choice to make. It may seem black and white, however, like most things food allergies, it is more grey than anything.
How to engage your partner and other caregivers when managing food allergies
How to engage your partner and other caregivers when managing food allergies. Meg shares her tips on how she works with her husband to manage their children’s multiple allergies.
Becoming an allergy and eczema mom
Emma shares her challenging journey of becoming an allergy and eczema mom. How this ultimately also lead her to become an asthma mom and her struggles advocating with doctors.
Can you join the Military or Peace Corps with Food Allergies?
Can you join the military with food allergies? We look at the restrictions in place for individuals with food allergies who want to join the army or peace corps.
Managing Food Allergies as an Adult
Kortney shares what it is like managing food allergies as an adult. How her food allergy journey began to becoming an empowered adult with food allergies.
A story of navigating multiple food allergies in a culture where food means “I love you”
Kathryn shares the cultural impact of food allergies in a culture where food means “I love you”. How she manages conversations that are laced with cultural undertones while prioritizing her safety.
Allergy Asthma Day Capitol Hill 2019 Recap
Dr. G and Kortney went to Capitol Hill to help change policies that will benefit those living with asthma and food allergies.
The Peanut OIT Controversy
The peanut OIT controversy is from a study released in 2019 about how even though patients may pass the food challenge, it doesn't equate to achieving less allergic reactions in the real world - in fact, the opposite happens with more allergic reactions.
Why we started a podcast for allergies, asthma & eczema
Why did Dr. Gupta and Kortney decide to start a podcast for allergies, asthma, and eczema?